Two Ways

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There are two ways we can minister: One is out of compassion in response to someone who’s hurting or something that we see. The second is out of the Spirit’s leading.

All too often, we minister out of compassion and not out of His leading. When the Spirit leads us, we will always see His power flow. 

What I love about the Original Design Youth Group is that they have been ministering out of the Holy Spirit’s leading. The week before they go out to minister, they ask the Lord to whom He wants them to give love. They write down clues and pictures that the Lord gives them. The following week, we worship and then go out to look for the people God described the previous week. 

These young students have learned the power of sitting and listening to the Lord and allowing His Spirit to lead them to minister and bring amazing encouragement, freedom, and healing!

Do you primarily minister out of compassion as a response to people, or are you leading from the Spirit’s prompting?

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