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If you need more encouragement, check out the reading plans we have available at YouVersion:

Identity in Christ – Confessions and Reflections on Who I Am ***NEW***
Discover your true identity in Christ with this reading plan. Through daily confessions, reflections, and challenges, explore the depths of your identity rooted in God’s truth. From faithfulness to victory, from chosen and loved to being a new creation, embrace your identity as a child of God. Experience transformation, freedom, and purpose as you walk confidently in who God says you are.
How to Raise a Jesus Freak ***NEW***
This 8-day plan encourages parents to lead by example, reflecting God’s presence, prioritizing worship, and seeking God. Replace lies with biblical truths, celebrate positive choices, and teach children their identity in Christ. Define a family vision rooted in God’s purpose and encourage kids to dream big. Practical advice and relevant Scriptures guide parents in raising children with Christ-centered faith.
Mom Power Unleashed! Embracing the Epic Chaos ***NEW***
Get ready to rock the beautiful chaos of motherhood! Embrace it all with confidence, gratitude, and the awesome support of your mom tribe. Laugh off imperfections, knowing that God’s got your back. Find joy in the messy moments, and shift your perspective for serious good vibes. Remember, you’re not alone—build those connections and tackle motherhood together. So, let’s dive in fearlessly and own this fantastic journey, mama!
Embracing Hard Faith: Nurturing Resilience and Achieving Spiritual Goals ***NEW***
In the face of challenges and distractions, we often rely on our own efforts to navigate through life’s difficulties. However, what if we shifted our dependence to unwavering faith instead? “Hard Faith” explores the concept of cultivating a steadfast belief in God, enabling us to overcome obstacles, find clarity amidst trials, and pursue our spiritual aspirations with confidence.
Missionary in You ***NEW***
Ask God to reveal where He wants to multiply through you. Where should you reach out: home, work, neighbors, in your city or state, or in a foreign country? God is faithful. He will direct you. This 6-day reading plan will help you understand the missionary life God has for you!
Unlocking Success: Maximizing Your 10,000 Hours With God’s Guidance ***NEW***
Explore the concept of the 10,000-hour rule, which reveals the time required to attain expertise in any field. Delve into inspiring stories of individuals who devoted themselves to their passions and achieved remarkable success, reminding us that true mastery takes dedication and persistence.
Healing Power of Jesus ***NEW***
Jesus healed people with physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds, showing compassion and love for all people. His healing power continues to bring hope and comfort to those in need. Read this 4-day plan for a reminder of his healing gift.
I Am: Proverbs 31 Woman ***NEW***
Uncover hidden treasures in Proverbs 31, empowering you as a strong, virtuous woman. This transformative reading plan reveals your potential and guides you on a life-changing adventure. Embrace your identity, see yourself through God’s eyes, and unleash your inner power. Get ready to embark on a journey of empowerment through Proverbs 31.
I Am: Your Identity According to the Bible ***NEW***
Curious about your identity as a Christ follower? Check out the Bible—it’s a treasure trove of info! Discover who you are, your potential, and the blessings you have as a Christian. It’s like a roadmap to your true self. So grab that Bible, follow the plan, and remind yourself of the amazing person you truly are!
I Am
When you hear yourself speaking, what do you hear? Strengthen or step towards knowing your identity based on your identity in Jesus Christ with this 4-day reading plan.
Equipped to Stand  
You are equipped to stand even if you do not feel like it. With this reading plan, dig into the word to strengthen your faith and stand firm in what God has already equipped you to do.
Pray the Word
The Bible is a manual for life. Let it be your guide and inspiration in communication with God. Speak to Him using His words. This Bible plan provides three days of Bible prayers to get you started!
How Do I Pray Now Since the Miracle Didn’t Happen
What happens when you’re praying for a miracle, but nothing happens? How do you respond? Do you continue to pray or do quit? This plan you will understand God’s will about sickness, give you a perspective on continuing to believe God even when things turn out less than you hoped. I pray strength and encouragement for you to believe God regardless of past hurts.
Becoming In Faith
In this reading plan, we are going to talk about the three stages to becoming like Christ. First, Unbecoming – which we are all unbecoming before Christ; The Becoming Stage – as we are learning to take our thoughts captive; and finally, the I Have Become who God says I am. Do you want to love others well? Then let’s become who God already says we are!
Strength In God – Abiding In Him
Christ in you is the hope of glory. Are you living more out of your old, dead nature or your new nature and identity in Christ? Have you drifted away from Jesus? To come back into being a wholly surrendered follower of Christ, we are called to die daily! When you hear the call, how do you respond?
Identity – Obtaining Revelation From Truth
Obtain is a verb – It implies action. So we are going to put some action into obtaining God’s truth and storing it in our hearts. How? Through reading God’s Word in daily nourishment portions. This study is a perfect way to begin to grow in your understanding of what you now have in Christ Jesus and renew your mind to become more like Him!
Peace – Get off the Emotional Rollercoaster
“In the presence of the Lord is the fullness of joy.” Then why aren’t we joyful all the time? It’s because we still have this flesh and if we allow it, it can keep us in this emotional rollercoaster. This reading plan aims to help you get off this emotional ride by learning to walk and abide in Christ so you can live in the fullness of joy.
Fulfilling Your Purpose
Stickie Dreamwall is a process of uncovering the buried dreams of your heart and a tangible representation of what God has done in your life and where He is taking you. It is a tool to help you keep the momentum going and a way to share your dreams with others. Build your own Stickie Dreamwall and take the first step to fulfilling your dreams and your God-given purpose!
Revive Your Dreams
I hope you will be inspired to freely envision your faith-filled dreams and become unstoppable in your pursuit. By the end of this devotional, I pray you’ll be asking, imagining, and dreaming from the very heart of God again. God longs for His children to dream and imagine so He can use us fully to fulfill His purposes on this earth!
God Is … Through Matthew
Who is God to you? Is He angry and ready to pounce on you every time you fail? Or is He the God who is love, grace, and mercy? The way you view God will determine how you will stand in hard times. You will confidently know that your God has your back when you complete this 28-day journey to discover who God is through Matthew.
Truth Or Trash
Truth or Trash is an exciting, thought-provoking game that encourages understanding of how God views you. This reading plan based on the game, helps kids discover and keep core truths about their identity and power through Christ. Read statements each day to determine whether the statement is truth (from God’s Word) or trash (opinions or incorrect views). Your faith will be strengthened as you learn to sort truth from trash!