
Fierce Females of Faith

Hey there, friends! Are you needing some inspiration today? How about these seriously bold women of the Bible? These ladies were fierce, strong, and courageous. They have paved the way for future generations to follow in their footsteps.

First up, we have Deborah, who was a prophetess and judge in Israel. She led her people to victory in battle and even wrote a song to celebrate. Talk about girl power!

Next, there’s Esther, who risked her life to save her people from persecution. She was a queen with a heart of gold and the bravery to match.

And let’s not forget about Mary, the mother of Jesus! She was chosen by God to bear His son, and despite the risks, she embraced her role with faith and courage.

These women may have lived thousands of years ago, but their examples still inspire us today. They show us that with faith and courage, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve great things. So, let’s channel our inner Deborah, Esther, and Mary and go boldly into whatever challenges come our way!

Embracing Divine Love: A Valentine’s Devotion

As Valentine’s Day nears, the world adorns itself in symbols of affection, reminding us of love’s power. Yet beyond romantic gestures lies a deeper truth: the boundless love of God.

In life’s chaos, we may forget His love, but it surrounds us always, a gentle force guiding us. This Valentine’s Day, let’s pause and connect with the love within us and around us.

Regardless of our circumstances, we’re never alone. The Father walks beside us, whispering, “You are enough. You are worthy. You are loved.”

As we celebrate, let’s extend compassion to all beings, embodying love in our actions. May this day remind us of the gift of love and inspire us to be vessels of light in a world too often darkened by division.

Happy Valentine’s Day, dear friends. May your hearts be filled with love, joy, and peace today and always. Amen.

5 Keys to Unhealthy Relationships

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Want an unhealthy relationship?

1) Never apologize when you judge them (even in your heart).
2) Criticize everything they do.
3) Talk about them behind their back. This is especially awesome. One negative + another negative = worse!
4) Never ask for forgiveness when you mess up.
5) Ignore the harsh words you spoke and let them fester in their hearts forever.

Maybe you are asking, “Why aren’t these okay? They’ve worked for me in the past.”

Maybe they have worked, but they are friendship, intimacy, and marriage stealers! The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. It’s time to recognize the enemy working through us and say, “Get behind me!”

1) “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). See, you don’t even want to have judgmental thoughts in your heart because they will eventually come out of your mouth or eat you on the inside.

2) Over time, criticizing every single thing someone does will make their ears grow deaf to your voice. They won’t seek you for encouragement because they know the kick in the face will follow. Want intimacy? Try shutting your face and speaking life into someone.

3) If you open your mouth to slander another person and the person jumps in and agrees with you, it only makes it worse. Just don’t. Take your ugly thoughts to God so you don’t site the pot.

4) Always apologize. Make it right. I have a friend who is asking each of her friends, “Do you have any offense or bitterness towards me?” She’s doing everything she can to fight for peace in the relationships that she values.

5) Harsh words cut. They leave wounds and scars, places where bitter infection can breed depression, offense, or even hatred. Don’t pretend you didn’t speak those ugly things. Decide in your heart if you meant them and why. What’s wrong with you that you feel that way? We need to do a heart check. Were you striking out because you were angry? Is it a defense mechanism? Is it how you really feel? Regardless, you need to know the source. You will eat the fruit of your own words. Think about the person you hurt in your emotional outburst and how much you value them. Consider what you are thankful for, and it will give you perspective. Suddenly, you will realize the thing you were actually frustrated about is very small.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me. This isn’t true: “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21 NIV). Even ugly words spoken out of your own mouth will be words that you will eat. You reap what you sow.

Some people never apologize. They ignore or justify their sin—their judging, their critical spirit, their unkind words—sweeping it under the rug and acting like everything’s cool.

Apologizing, reconciling, and working things out, even though it’s harder, in the end actually makes relationships stronger. Sweeping it under the rug and ignoring it will always leave a little infection for a later, much larger blow out.

Ask for forgiveness, and also forgive people when they offend you. If you have trouble forgiving other people, keep in mind how much God has forgiven you:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
— 1 John 1:9 (NIV)


Bucket List for the Soul

Hey there, friend! Are you looking to grow in your faith and connect more deeply with your spirituality? If so, why not create a faith-based bucket list? It’s a fun and inspiring way to set goals and make plans to experience new things that will strengthen your spiritual connection.

Here are some ideas to get you started on creating your own faith-based bucket list:

  • Read the Bible cover to cover – Challenge yourself to read the entire Bible from start to finish. It’s a great way to deepen your understanding of scripture and your faith. If you need help, here’s a Bible plan designed to guide both new and seasoned Bible readers alike:
  • Visit a holy site – Take a trip to a holy site that holds special significance in your faith tradition. It could be a church, temple, or any other sacred location that inspires you.
  • Go on a mission trip – Volunteer to serve others while growing in your faith. You could travel to a different part of your community or even another country to help those in need. Whether it’s helping out at a soup kitchen, leading a youth group, or volunteering at a hospital, there are many ways to get involved.
  • Attend a spiritual retreat – A religious retreat is a chance to step away from the distractions of daily life and focus on your spiritual growth. There are many different types of retreats available, from silent retreats to retreats focused on a particular aspect of faith.
  • Volunteer at a religious organization – Get involved in your community by volunteering at a religious organization. You could help out at a soup kitchen, lead a youth group, or volunteer at a hospital.
  • Practice forgiveness – Forgiveness is a central tenet of many faith traditions. Cultivating forgiveness in your life can lead to greater peace and joy.
  • Start a prayer journal – Writing down your prayers can help deepen your spiritual connection and provide a way to reflect on your relationship with a higher power.
  • Attend a religious pilgrimage – Embark on a journey to a sacred destination that holds significance in your faith tradition. It’s an opportunity to deepen your spiritual connection and gain a new perspective on your faith.

Creating a faith-based bucket list is a great way to set goals and plan experiences that will enhance your spiritual growth. So why not take a moment to think about the things that matter to you and start creating your own faith-based bucket list today?

Season of Not Obeying

I remember sitting on my couch listening to my then 4-year-old yell, “Mommy!” She was supposed to be in bed an hour prior, but she continued to whine and complain all-the-while not obeying the first thing I asked her to do – go to bed with joyful obedience.

I heard her yelling at me, but I have already been in there and gently reminded her several times. I have tried to aid her needs, but it’s just not enough until she has her own way.

If she gets out of bed another time, she loses a privilege; that is why she is yelling at me instead of getting out her bed. I refuse to answer her request one more time because I am allowing her the choice to obey or to fail miserably, thus resulting in losing her privilege tomorrow.

As I was listening to her yells, I went through a range of emotions:
1) Anger because I just would like some quiet – it is late in the evening and I have yet to have a minute to myself.
2) Sadness because my baby is crying for me.
3) Peace because I am thinking about maybe this is why God is silent when I am in a season of not obeying the last thing He asked us to do and I am whining and crying for a reason or trying to stall and ask for more time to keep doing what I want to do.

Sometimes, I bet I seem like a 4-year-old to God.

Well, in the end, she came out of her room to make her report and, as a result, lost her privilege.

Embracing New Beginnings

As we start a new year, we should think about the chapters we’ve already written and the blank pages that are just waiting to be filled. It’s a new beginning, a chance to refocus our goals, make new plans, and make our dreams come true. This change gives us a chance to do more than just make resolutions. It also gives us a chance to develop a growth and gratitude attitude.

Even though it’s exciting to start over, it’s important to stay grounded in our faith and embrace the journey that lies ahead. The future will be uncertain, but faith can help us find our way through it. Let’s go into the new year with a strong will, knowing that every step we take, in the direction of hope, serves a greater purpose.

The new year encourages us to enjoy the present, to value the moments, to care for our relationships, and to welcome the good things that happen to us. Let’s cultivate a heart of gratitude, seeking opportunities to uplift others and spread kindness. With courage and gratitude in our hearts, let’s start this new chapter and be ready for the adventure that lies ahead.

The Afterglow of Christmas

As the echoes of carols fade and the remnants of festive decorations settle, the message of Christmas continues to resonate in our hearts. Post-Christmas is not merely the conclusion of celebrations; it’s an invitation to dwell in the profound essence of what we’ve commemorated.

The birth of Christ marks not just a historical event, but a timeless narrative of hope, love, and salvation. Beyond the gifts exchanged and feasts shared, the true gift lies in the enduring presence of God’s love amidst our lives.

In these post-Christmas moments, let’s carry the spirit of goodwill, extending kindness to all, as Christ taught us. Let’s cherish the joy of giving, not only material gifts but the gift of compassion, empathy, and understanding.

Though the merriment of the season subsides, the light of Christ remains ever bright. Let’s embrace the days ahead with renewed faith, carrying the love and peace born on that sacred day, making every day a celebration of the spirit of Christmas.

Hosting a ‘Faith Feast’ for Your Close-knit Group

Hey there, friends! How about stirring up some meaningful connections with your Christian crew? Picture this: a chill get-together that’s all about faith, friends, and good food – that’s the ‘Faith Feast’ vibe we’re talking about!

Setting the Stage
Think cozy vibes – a backyard BBQ, a potluck at someone’s pad, or a picnic in the park. Casual settings make for the best heart-to-hearts, right?

Soulful Eats
Food’s the magic ingredient! Ask everyone to bring a dish close to their heart or tied to their faith journey. From family recipes to cultural treats, it’s all about the stories behind the dishes.

Stories that Bind Us
As you munch, why not share some soul food for thought? This is the time for personal testimonies, faith stories, or moments when you’ve felt that divine spark in your life.

Prayers and Peace
After the feast, gather ’round for some reflection and prayer. It’s a chance to lift each other up, be thankful, and seek blessings for the crew and the world around us.

Activities to Unite
Add a sprinkle of fun! Whether it’s a worship sesh, a teamwork activity, or getting artsy with a shared project, let the good times roll.

Cheers to Fellowship
Wind down with some good ol’ hanging out. Share contacts, make plans for more meetups, and let those budding friendships bloom.

This ‘Faith Feast’ is all about blending good food, heartfelt stories, shared prayers, and some fun activities. It’s a chance to strengthen bonds and savor the beauty of your Christian crew.

So, gather your gang, whip up some meaningful dishes, and get ready to dive into a feast of faith and fellowship. It’s in these easy-breezy moments that the real treasures of Christian community shine bright.

Why Do You Follow Jesus?

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Do you ever get asked the question: Why do you follow Jesus?

For me it is a hard question to answer because I am always struggling for words. I love Jesus so much and I am so thankful for everything He has done for me that my answer always comes out- Why wouldn’t I follow Jesus?

That answer is not a very convincing one to those looking for depth and trying to grasp why it is we all love Jesus so much.

So here it goes. Here is my answer to this question. 🙂


He loved me when I felt the most unlovable. Romans 5:6-8 opened up my eyes to the depth of God’s love for me.

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, through for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:6-8)

God saw everything going on in our lives and He chose us anyway. He saw all the sins, hate, angry, greed, etc and He decided to save us anyway!

He NEVER gets angry at me, even when I mess up A LOT. Isaiah 54:9-10 showed me this.

“To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again. Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” (Isaiah 54:9-10)

I used to always think I was never going to be good enough. That I would never measure up. I thought that no matter what I did God would always be angry with me. Instead He says I will NEVER be angry with you again. Then He goes further and says His love for us is unfailing! I love that!

He chose me to be Holy and Blameless in His sight. This is so awesome you guys! I used to be weighted down with the thoughts of my sins. They use to eat at me until I thought I would crack under the pressure. I thought there was no way I would ever be able to escape how gross and disgusting I thought those sins made me. Then I read Ephesians 1 and found this verse:

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” (Ephesians 1:4)

He had already chosen us. He had already made the decision- that no matter what happened and no matter what we did- that this is how He was going to see us. Every day He has chosen to see us as Holy and Blameless.

He forgave ALL my sins AND forgot them. Hebrews 8:12 really shined light into my life when I realized how real this verse was and how it related to my life.

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Hebrews 8:12)

I had always believed my sins were forgiven but I didn’t think they were forgotten. I thought they defined who I was. I thought they were what Jesus saw when He looked down on me. Instead, He looks down on me and doesn’t see any of my sins. They were all covered by His blood. He forgave them all and forgot them all. I have never seen a love like this before!

These are just a few of the reasons why I chose to follow Jesus. He takes care of me, He loves me unconditionally, He is always there fore me. I was never completely happy without Him and now even when I am sad I have unrelenting Joy.

For those of you reading this that are still unsure about Jesus and still have questions and want to know more please leave a comment and I can share more with you.

Please leave a comment about why you follow Jesus! I love to hear about you and your stories! 🙂

I pray that each of you would go out and share the good news with everyone! I pray that you would be bold. I also pray that you would love others in the same way that Jesus loves you!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Kathleen 🙂

The Titus 2 Woman: a Light and Mentor to Others

We’ve talked before about the Proverbs 31 Woman. But have you ever heard of the “Titus 2 Woman”? It’s a term that’s all about older women mentoring and teaching younger women about living a godly life. Pretty cool, huh?

So, what makes a Titus 2 Woman so awesome? Well, she’s someone who’s been around the block a few times and has learned a lot along the way. She’s not perfect, but she’s willing to share her wisdom and experience with younger women who are just starting out.

A Titus 2 Woman knows that living a godly life isn’t just about going to worship or saying your prayers before bed. It’s about being a good example to those around you and showing the love of Jesus in everything you do.

Don’t get the wrong idea, though; a Titus 2 woman can still have a good time. She understands the importance of community and fellowship, and loves getting together with other believers to share her struggles and victories.

And while a Titus 2 Woman may have a lot of wisdom to share, she is also always learning and growing in her own faith. She reads the Bible and prays often, and she looks to God for help in all parts of her life.

So, if you’re a woman with some life experience, why not become a Titus 2 Woman? You have a lot to teach younger women, and you can really change their lives. And if you’re a younger woman, don’t be afraid to ask older women who have been in your shoes for advice. Let’s all try to be Titus 2 women, and while we’re at it, let’s have some fun!