Urgent Distraction

The cell phone is always dinging, chirping, vibrating, ringing – just blowing up with texts, notifications from Facebook, Twitter, GroupMe, Instagram, and a few (I mean very few. Times are not like they use to be!) phone calls.
It’s so easy to hear the noise and jump right to it. I often wonder what percentage of the day the kids see me with my phone in hand. Am I too distracted by it when they really need me?
When you hear the ding on your phone, the ding triggers in your mind that it’s urgent. Urgent is defined this way – requiring immediate action or attention.
But just because something is urgent, doesn’t mean it’s important.
Important is defined – of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being.
When my phone dings and it’s a text from Chick Fil A telling me to come by TOMORROW for a free coffee – that is NOT important, is it.
·      Your child screams? That’s urgent and important.
·      Your friend texts you about a pedi? That’s urgent, but not important (You and I know it’s very important, but not at that very moment!).
·      Your husband phones – urgent – yes. Important – could be – depends on what you are doing.
Have you dumped a child off your lap to catch a call? Humiliatingto think of all the ways I have chosen the seemingly urgent over important.
I have felt so much pressure from people trying to reach me, but I just can’t get back in the moment or even sometimes for days!! This year so far, I haven’t responded in months!
It’s embarrassing. I will get texts or emails saying: Hello, are you there? Etc. Mentally, I have responded, but…
I have to remind myself…
“Just because it rings doesn’t mean it’s urgent. It can momentarily distract you from the true calling of your life.
Don’t stop what I have asked you to do to meet the urgent needs of others. I can handle them.
Just because people don’t understand what you do with your time doesn’t mean you owe them any explanation. Don’t take the time to explain or convince others that you are busy about God’s work. Just do it! Keep doing it. Don’t be distracted by the little daily interruptions.
All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37
Add up the time you have lost with me in the trenches by these distractions – allowing yourself to be diverted to other people’s agendas WHILE you have not even completed the next thing God told you to do.
God is saying to all of us:
“Who is your God? Me (God) or people? You are only accountable to me. Do you not see how you are people-pleasing in this ON DEMAND society? See it for what it is and let it steal from Me (God) no more! I am the living God. I am worthy of your full attention.”
Whew. I had to share this! It overwhelmed me. What’s distracting you?
Go back and do the last thing God told you to do.
(Updated from a 3 year ago throwback post. by Sheri)

One thought on “Urgent Distraction

  1. I am totally nodding my head to this post. I don't get offended at all when people don't respond back to me immediately because I do the same thing to them! You can't be everything to everyone! There will be a time when we can do more, respond more, but it's not that season yet! Love you!


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